Monthly Archive:: January 2011

AZUL BOUTIQUE Groovin’ in the Grove!

A refreshing reprise from those chilly Winter days (okay, so it’s still 85 degrees in Miami….IT


They should have used La Mer. The company started with “Just Tomatoes” in 1985. I prefer

Saving Face-Dateline Tokyo

Well, apparently ‘face’ is even more important than we gaijin know—at least in Tokyo per Kanebo

Hello Pretty…uhm….Kitty @ Sephora!

Hello Pretty…uhm….Kitty @ Sephora! It’s official–Hello Kitty IS doing a makeup line, what a relief. Purrrfect

What a Relief!! It’s BIG America, Part Deux

Based on the menu options, I guess it’s pretty apparent that as AMERICANS we have reputations

Three month waiting list for canvas tote

Sort of along the lines of: ‘My other car is a Porsche’… appears that a canvas

Jiminy Crickets!

Buena Vista is Japanese Racing Association’s Horse of the Year for 2010! BV (Trained by Hiroyoshi

“Praise Cheeses”

¥1,650 later (aka $20) Mama always warned me about eating stuff covered in green fuzz…. Enter

PROJECT RUNWAY–Runway for Hope

Dr. Sena Vafa, international business consultant in Tokyo for Comodex, was Interviewed on ‘NHK Journal’s’ 22:00-23:00

And now, Ladies and Gentlemen—-

It’s Nude It’s Crunky It’s ‘CRUNKY NUDE BALL…..’ Smashing into the earth hundreds of thousands of