Infectious Diseases

Probably the most interesting facet of the ‘Ebola’ virus to me was the discovery that one of the foremost experts on the topic, Dr. William Close, was actress Glenn Close’s father (Fatal Attraction…aka: Boil That Bunny)……

Apparently, the virus is yet again appearing in central Africa (aka, don’t do that ‘gorilla trekking’ holiday with Abercrombie & Kent just yet.)

As of 29 December (HAPPY NEW YEAR) 11 people have now died in the Democratic Republic of Congo….which I thought they called, ‘Zaire,’ but I was wrong. Yet another reason to NOT invest in a World Atlas…..

Medecins San Frontiers (Doctors without borders, blah-blah-blah) claims that it is continuing to monitor 102 people exposed to the virus and another 24 in isolation units in Kaluamba and Kampungu.

Remember kids, don’t eat raw monkey meat.

The highly infectious bleeding fever kills 80% of those it infects and there is no known cure.


This is, ostensibly, the first ‘REPORTED’ outbreak of this virus since 1976 in the Congo.

  1. CrashNBurn
  2. Majida
  3. yumyumcherry

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