Re: Richie fires Zoe

Yeah, sounds like she had this epiphany; Whoa, I weigh 54 lbs – Damn my stylist. Certainly, it’s her stylist’s fault. Let’s hang her.

Frankly, even when many European designers canned the concept of the Uber Thin Model, Chanel refused to comply and marched a legion of twiggy young things down the CC Runway for Spring ’07.

In a town where you can never be too rich or too thin, you can be too publicized and this is never good for the support personnel. Press for a Stylist, Make-up Artist, Hairdresser or Personal Agent can often translate into becoming a target when the celebrity needs a scapegoat.

Case and point; Rachel Zoe.

“Nic doesn’t trust her.” — Why, does Rachel zap her with a cattle prod if she piles cheesecake onto a catapult and aims at her mouth? Doubt it.

Judging from recent photographs, Style is not Nicole’s only problem.

Sounds like Nic would like more Publicity. Maybe a life beyond buying clothing and clubbing would help, too.

  1. Thin Enough to be Karl's Muse

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