‘South Africa: It’s Possible’

I first saw these advertisements promoting tourism– ‘South Africa: It’s Possible’ — two years ago in Dubai.

We enjoyed a twenty minute comedy riff as to who the Hell came up with this slogan….now it’s running in American magazines:

Let’s just say it doesn’t strike me as compelling. Sort of like:

Yeah, you could go to South Africa, but why? Or Maybe you’d rather
just stay home and sort your sock drawer. Well, it’s possible.

Flip a coin.
Oh, whatever. I mean….if it’s possible today…I guess it’ll be possible later.

No real hurry to get there. (Despite the mesmerizing ad campaign).

It’s a long flight….maybe you’d just rather wait for someone at National Geographic to photograph the best parts and then, well, maybe you’ll buy the magazine instead….that’s possible, too.

I have four new ideas for their next series of commercials:

South Africa–Why not?

South Africa–Maybe yes, Maybe No

South Africa–Could be alright for a few days

South Africa- Better than nothing

So, Madison Avenue: Call Me.

  1. MonicaMason
  2. WendyNYC
  3. BrazilianAirways

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