opinion Archive


September 11. 2001 Horrific, Tragic Events that Changed America and the way that I view My

Arrivederci Italia

Amanda Knox FINALLY Exonerated for the murder of Kercher (roommate) at her appeal in an Italian

Trials and Errors…..

Paging Perry Mason. Dr. Michelle Cooper (emergency room physician who attended to Michael Jackson and pronounced

Farrah Fawcett Barbie Doll

Okay, growing up as an American Girl it’s a safe assumption that you crossed paths with

Jen & Bob

Well, in a world a flush with Libyan No Fly Zones and Japanese Nuclear and Natural

Odyssey Dawn

US, Britain and France bring you: ‘Odyssey Dawn’ No, not a pornographic movie or a new

Reed Krakoff

photo: Reed Krakoff This took me a while to fathom. Epiphany — Reed Krakoff=Coach. Gotta love

Fashion Fiasco–Dior Fires Galliano as video depict his racist diatribe

John Galliano–brilliant createur responsible for the lovely stream of fluid silk dresses on the runways of

Going, GOing-GONE (or: The Joys of Ebay, part 1—soon to be a multi volume set)

First of all—I am still trying to understand the “logic” behind the methodology of allowing any

Well, Koji-san, there are always Spanx…

Fella’s, as you’ve aged and you’re now in your mid forties, DO YOU find that you