Star Style Archive

October Transits–or, sorry my dog ate my homework

October Transits–or, sorry my dog ate my homework. It didn’t work when I was in fifth

YYC’s Favorite Libras: Lennons and McC

Photo: IMDB JOHN Lennon, and respectively, Sean Lennon (Yoko has an avid interest in astrology and

Hell Hath No Fury…

photo: Of course, the female is more of a taupe/mouse colour, but God knows Male

YYC’s Favorite Virgos: Sophia Loren

Happy Birthday, Sophia Loren!

YYC’s favorite Virgos: Claire S.

Happy birthday to one of the sweetest girls I know. Meet you at the Onsen one

Virgo Starstyle

Happy Birthday Virgo. The sun enters this mutable, earth sign at precisely 8:08 Eastern time on

YYC’s Favorite Leos: Coco Chanel

Gabrielle Coco Chanel A pause to honour the woman who is the thorn in Karl’s side.

YYC’s Favorite Leos: Gretchen

One of the dearest and most talented women I have the honour of knowing. Happy B-Day!!!!!

YYC’s Favorite Leos: Motoko-chan

Happy Birthday, Motoko-chan! Best wishes for a year ahead filled with a new Bunkyo address, Japanese

YYC’s Favorite Leos: Sean Penn

Sean Penn –Which developing nation that we are currently at WAR with is hosting Sean as