film Archive

Koroshi with Patrick McGoohan

I remember watching this with my mother when I was eight years old. No WAIT, I

YYC’s Favorite Leos: Sean Penn

Sean Penn –Which developing nation that we are currently at WAR with is hosting Sean as

YYC’s Favorite Leos: Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron —Another talented Lioness –we love her ability to absorb her roles and even turn

My First Love

My First Love (and yes, I’m serious). I had a fling with Top Cat, but Underdog’s

YYC’s Favorite Leos: Daniel Radcliffe

Today is Daniel Radcliffe‘s birthday–he is 18. While yyc doesn’t avidly follow the adventures of Harry

Christian Bale in Rescue Dawn

Ah, be still my heart. In Herzog’s new release, Rescue Dawn, the delicious Mr. Bale portrays

YYC’s favorite Cancers: Isabelle Adjani

Photo credit: Bon Anniversaire — Isabelle Adjani. One of Chanel’s favourite muses–also Daniel Day Lewis’….(Still

Signe Chanel

I haven’t had the opportunity to tune into it yet, but I have heard that Kaiser

Lack of Chemistry Hall O Fame

Okay, this time, we won’t give the bomb to Nicole–I mean really, what self respecting woman

Lack of Chemistry Hall O’ Shame

Welcome to the YYC Lack of Chemistry HALL ‘O’ SHAME While Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman