New York Archive

A Trump for Trump

I guess he’s ‘Hired’ (Can I write that or did he patent it, too?) as a

Space NK to open on Greene St, NYC

My first thought is WHY? I mean the basis for me of Space NK are primarily

Edward Bess Lipstick

Okay, my first thought is, how did this guy get on the map. Yeah, he has

Favorites: Orange Mate Fabric Refresher

We like to spritz this stuff in the closet of our hotel guest room when traveling,

Chanel 06a Ivory Lace Blouson

(click to enlarge) Chanel’s ’06A Ivory Lace “Parka”…er, “Hoody,” Whatever, it does zip closed, we’re sure

Holiday Glamour with YSL

Linda Cantello is making a personal appearance at BDG, Nov. 30. She’s artistic advisor for Yves

whats brewing at McQueen

click to enlarge Long Live MyQueen. Looks like Samsonite has done a hat trick with Alex.

Chatav Ecta Bit

For those More Chic than Chic–we have the edgier fare featured by Maxfields (ask for Deanna:

Non-logo sunglasses

Whats a Gal to do? Tom Ford, Chrome Hearts, Louis Vuitton–Interlocking C’s and G’s. At a


VBH–Adored by Jeffrey, New York–Neiman Marcus: SF, Beverly Hills, and Palm Beach and Bergdorf Goodman. Who