Little Dogs in Tokyo and Those MANLY Men who put them in their ManBags……

Little Dogs in Tokyo and Those MANLY Men who put them in their ManBags……

Okay, it’s great that no one has mentioned that this is a bit light in the loafers, but what happens in Nihon (hopefully–for me, anyway—) stays in Nihon. Not that a tea cup white poodle in an argyle sweater as carried by a well coiffed 5’7″ (says 5’11” on his Driving License) Japanese man in Prada IS NOT THE EPITOME OF Masculinity…..sigh,


Well, there does seem to be an abundance of them.

In fact, I’ve never seen so much doggie clothing, combs, barrettes, socks (yes, really) and other paraphernalia in my entire life. It could border on a Fetish.

It could also help explain the -0.5 percent childbirth ratio in what represents one of the world’s most developed nations.

  1. eoka

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