Saving Face-Dateline Tokyo

Well, apparently ‘face’ is even more important than we gaijin know—at least in Tokyo per Kanebo Cosmetics.

The ‘skinny’ (by the way, all ‘weight’ related course work fall into the post graduate categories) on Make Up is that facial appearance is valued more than much else in terms of the impression that the individual wants to convey (who needs thift, kindness and honesty when you can be a good cook and cute). SIGH. Apparently for men also.

One Giant step for man, one huge leap backward for womankind.

…somebody hand me my lipstick.

Behold: “Eye Talk for Men”

Mens Eyetalk 1 Day Keep

Somehow I just can’t take a man wearing mascara all that seriously……

….oh, yeah—-it’s for men, and it’s not NOTICEABLE

  1. Bridda

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